LOL, thanks so much for letting me know! Not only will this be handy for future reference, but I always enjoy learning the nuances of cursing in languages besides my own, heh heh heh
That your English is so fantastic and my French is well...decidedly lacking, makes me very humble.
As I told you by mailI'm french and here is the few things that I could see and could be corrected
René often Says "Viens m'enculer" which is the translation I believe for "**** me", but in French it's not what we say. We say "Putain" which is an equivalnet of "whore" but also is an exclamation that can be comprare to the english **** me.
Viens m'enculer has a very anal meaning to us, it refers to anal sex as in '**** my ..." lol but in a very bas entendre.