I might be traveling thru Kentucky in Nov..maybe get a chance to stop and get a book or two signed!!! whoohooooooooo. Hey, could drop you off a bottle of the famous or soon to be famous..(lol) Romeo wine...very tasty...:)
Hopefully, I will be at Lori's next year..we will have to do the table chat again."Cheers""..and yep yep talked to Jacki about the event...in Upstate New York this fall with the color changing ....looks like it will be a blast...THat will be an event not to miss!!
Of COURSE I remember you! Thanks for visiting my forum!
In response to your questions: I don't know on Book 3 but hope to have an update on this very, very soon -- so keep an eye out here and/or at my blog. *fingers crossed*
As for future signings: On October 18, I will be at Joseph-Beth Booksellers in Lexington, Kentucky participating in the Kentucky Romance Writers annual group book-signing. For more information, visit www.kentuckyromancewriters.com.
On October 22, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., I'll be at a restaurant called The Melting Pot on Hurstbourne Parkway in Louisville, Kentucky doing a special "Girls Night Out" booksigning.
And on November 15, I'll be at the Kentucky Book Fair, to be held at the Frankfort Convention Center in Frankfort, Kentucky.
I also try to update my Calendar of Events page on my website if and when new events and appearances, both in person and online, come up. :)
Then in 2009, of course I'll be at Lori Foster's again, and I also recently received an invitation to participate at a similar reader and writer get-together event in New York, sponsored by Jacquelyn Frank. (More details on these to come!)
Thanks so much again for posting! It's so good to see you again!
You know I love your books........and now you have a forum! very nice... Congrats!
Now for the questions....you did not think you were going to getting away without answering questions now did you?? LOL...When and is there going to be a Book 3 in the Brethern Series??. When and where are you next signings going to be?
Btw..met you at the Lori Foster's event ...yea one of the Margarita lovers...ya know the one with the funky blonde on top and brown on the bottom hair ..LOL..