DARK HUNGER has been rated 5 Clovers and named a "Recommended Read" from CK's Kwips & Kritiques! Reviewer Debbie declares: "Wow! Sara Reinkes sequel to DARK THIRST is a stunner! ... I cannot praise Sara Reinke enough for addressing such tough issues with her characters. Both Rene and Tessa have obstacles in their lives and Ms Reinke addresses these issues with great sensitivity and realism. ...Easily a keeper on my shelves!"
Here's a nice little plug from the local independent newspaper, Louisville Eccentric Observer (or "LEO," as it's affectionately known around here). They also offer billing for my September 13 book signing here in town. Cool beans! (Of course, they call my series "The Brotherhood" instead of "The Brethren," but hey, we won't kick them out of bed for leaving crumbs in the sheets! )
Saturday, Sept. 13
Author Sara Reinke
Are vampires the bad boys that readers cant get enough of? Todays bookstore shelves fairly sag with the clear answer to that question. But anytime Louisvilles Sara Reinke dreams up a new tale, its not simply running through the paces of a success-du-jour formula. Her Brotherhood series does know enough to touch all the by-now-familiar bases, yes, as brooding anti-heroes spar with sexy and conflicted modern women. But the thoroughly cagey Thoroughbred-plantation origin story continues to pay dividends in Zebra/Kensingtons just-released Dark Hunger. The author is celebrating the new title with a Saturday afternoon signing at the Oxmoor Mall Waldenbooks.
Reinke readily puts herself out to the audience witness her website (sarareinke.com), where multiple titles are available as free e-book downloads. But the reason to pick up Dark Hunger or last years Dark Thirst is in the ways that human and inhuman alike must face up to surprising challenges such as hearing loss, amputation and pregnancy. Theirs is a world where fantastic possibilities are background to the sorts of tests that are rarely allowed onto series-paperback pages. The variety of spice in these melodramas makes for engaging genre characters and relationships. T.E. Lyons