Letter from Rene Morin as presented in the "My Hero" newsletter series
http://www.authorwebdesignsbytara.com/myhero/hero-sarareinke.cfmNewsletter Design by Author Web Designs By Tara Promotion by Eye On Romance -- Edited by Sara Reinke at 03:30, 2008-09-12
Sara Reinke
Interview with Martin and Monica Davenant - DARK HUNGER
This is a reprint of an original post that appeared at the Novel Thoughts blog. (http://novelthoughts.wordpress.com) Today, were joined by husband and wife Martin and Monica Davenant. Thank you both so much for joining us today. Monica: Its a pleasure. Martin: Yeah. Charmed, Im sure. (He fishes a...
Sara Reinke
Interview with Brandon Noble - DARK THIRST spoilers possible
Yeah, I know. I said this is a spoiler-free zone and this is, technically, spoiler-free for "Dark Hunger." But it does offer some spoilers for "Dark Thirst," so if you haven't read it, you might want to skip this interview. The following is a reprint of a post that originally app...
Sara Reinke
Interview with Rene Morin - DARK HUNGER
The following is a reprint of a post originally made to the Novel Thoughts blog. (http://novelthoughts.wordpress.com/) Thanks so much for being with us today, Rene. Weve heard a lot about you already from Tessa Davenant, who joined us here yesterday. Rene: (dryly) I bet you did, oui. Q: Why dont you...
Sara Reinke
Interview with Tessa Noble-Davenant from DARK HUNGER
This entry is reprinted from the Novel Thoughts blog. http://novelthoughts.wordpress.com/page/2/ Since I want to introduce you to the characters at the heart of my vampire-romance, DARK HUNGER, Ive decided the best way to do that is to let them speak for themselves. Ill be bringing one of the cast...
Sara Reinke